Chairman of Union Stock Yard and Transit Company and a Director of the International Live Stock Exposition.
1902 -19?? | Artist: Bjorn Peter Egeli (1900-1984)

Impact & Accomplishments
Chairman of Union Stock Yard and Transit Company and a director of the International Live Stock Exposition, James Donovan began working as a sixteen-year-old messenger boy for Frederick Prince’s Boston brokerage firm.
Years later, in Chicago, he managed Prince’s Central Manufacturing industrial park network in Chicago, as well as similar industrial real estate centers in other cities, including Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona, and Sacramento, California.
When Fred Prince died in 1953, Donovan and William Wood Prince were named co-trustees of the F. H. Prince holding company, overseeing multiple corporations.
Did You Know?
The concept that gave rise to the great industrial parks of the United States, the story goes, originated in 1896 with a Boston financier and a New England railroad. Frederick H. Prince can`t say for certain whether the story about his great-grandfather, Frederick Henry Prince, is entirely true. But it`s as good as any other about how one man came up with an idea that would revolutionize American industry. And there`s no question that the concept came to fruition in Prince`s Central Manufacturing District (CMD) on Chicago`s South Side. The story, the younger Prince recalled, was handed down to him by James F. Donovan, a former trustee of F.H. Prince & Co.